দ্যা কমোন ন্যেচার অফ এপিডেমিক্স, এ্যান্ড দ্যেয়ার রিলেশন টু ক্লাইমেট এ্যান্ড সিভিল্যাইজেশ্ন
টমাস সাউথউড স্মিথ
বিষয় : প্রবন্ধ
মূল্য : প্রিমিয়াম
সংক্ষিপ্ত বিবরন : This book was originally published before 1923. Back then a very serious outbreak of Epidemic disease among cattle animals in England may reasonably induce the fear that a human Epidemic is imminent. Cholera has prevailed in Paris and several other places on the Continent during the late autumn, and it is well known that the former visitations of that terrible disease in this country have appeared the year following similar attacks in abroad. Moreover, human epidemics in numerous cases have been preceded or accompanied by an infectious disease among cattle. Never was a country guided through the perils of an Epidemic with greater wisdom and energy than Great Britain during the Cholera of 1848–9. The master spirit on that occasion was Dr Southwood Smith. Before that time Dr. Smith had had a more comprehensive experience of the nature, causes, and treatment of Zymotic diseases than perhaps any contemporary physicians. He had made them his special study and applied them in his clear, reas