উইলিয়াম স্ট্রান্ক জুনিয়ার
জন্ম : 1st July
— মৃত্যু : 26th September 1946
লেখকের মোট বই 1 টি
বায়োগ্রাফি: William Strunk Jr. was born and brought in Cincinnati Ohio to parents William and Ella Garretson Strunk. He was the oldest of 4 surviving children. He went to Sorbonne and the Collège de France from 1898-99 morphology and philology. Later he joined Cornell University and wrote “Elements of Style” in 1918. His student and writer Elwyn Brooks Whiterevised and enlarged it and it became a highly significant guide to English usage during the late 20th century, commonly called Strunk & White.