জেমস আলেন
জন্ম : 28th November
— মৃত্যু : 24th January 1912
লেখকের মোট বই 1 টি
বায়োগ্রাফি: Born in Leicester, England to a working-class family James Allen was the pioneer in the self-help movement. He is widely known for his famous book "As a Man Thinketh" and in 2015 it was converted into an audiobook titled “As A Woman Thinketh". That same year, "Through the Gates of Good, or Christ and Conduct" was also released as audiobooks. His works are still very popular today. His father William died when Allen was only 15, so he had to leave school to fend for his family. He worked as a private secretary and stationer and by 1893 was earning his living by journalism and reporting. He married Lily Louisa Oram (Lily L. Allen) in 1895 and had a daughter Nora Allen. Following his death in 1912, his wife continued publishing the magazine under the name The Epoch. In 2020, "Morning and Evening Thoughts for the Soul, 31 Days of Wisdom", "New Thought Theatre" and "From Passion to Peace" were released as audiobooks and James Allen is listed as an author on all three books.